WRGG is always looking for volunteers, Interns and new staff.
If you have ever thought about being in radio, now is the time to take that step and join WRGG’s staff!
Your new opportunity is just a phone call away!
Work with Development Director
WRGG – 93.7 FM Radio … WRGG is seeking an individual to work with Development Director, Wade Burkholder, in growing it’s base of underwriters and sponsors for the programming of the Greencastle-Antrim community radio station. WRGG is constantly growing… and adding new program features for it’s listening audience. To be successful you must have an outgoing personality, love to communicate with business and professional people … and have a desire to build a professional working relationship in the Greencastle-Antrim area and beyond. Compensation is by commission.
Apply by email to wadelin@pa.net … or call Wade Burkholder at 717-597-5460. WRGG is an equal opportunity employer. WRGG We are GA !!
Afternoon News Volunteer
WRGG is always looking for volunteers. We would like to expand our local news reporting that would allow us to update the local news at for newscast at 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm. To do so, we need volunteers to write the updated news cast, and then either read the newscast live or record it for the bottom of the hour local news report. Approximate time per day could be as little as an hour per day. You would not have to volunteer for every day, either. One day, two days or as many as you would like. Email Greg Hoover at: cghoover@wrgg.org
Weekday Afternoon Volunteer(s) DJ
WRGG is always looking for volunteers. Currently, we are looking for “live” (on air personalities as compared to our automation software playing music) from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 pm. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday as well as Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. You do not have to volunteer for every day. One day or two days a week would be great! No experience necessary. Email Greg Hoover at: cghoover@wrgg.org
Public Service Announcement Coordinator
WRGG is always looking for volunteers. Currently, we are looking for a person to coordinate all public service announcements that are read on the station each day, as well as prepare a list for WRGG’s webpage. No experience necessary. Email Greg Hoover at: cghoover@wrgg.org